Gedung Simpang Temu Dukuh Atas Jalan Juana, Menteng, Jakarta 10310, Indonesia

Joint Campaign Against Sexual Harassment in Public Transportation

Coinciding with the celebration of International Women's Day in March 2023, L'Oréal Paris together with PT JakLingko Indonesia and all transportation operators PT KAI (Persero), PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (KCI), PT LRT Jakarta, PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda), and PT Transjakarta holding a joint campaign with Stand Up "Against Sexual Harassment in Public Transportation", which aims to provide effective training in fighting sexual harassment in public spaces, using the 5D Method (Distract the perpetrator, Delegate by asking some help, Document the harassment, Direct by speaking up, and Delay by comforting) which has been recognized by a number of experts as an option which is safe, easy to apply, practical and effective for use by both witnesses and victims of sexual harassment as a solution that can help witnesses to have the courage to take action.

The event was also attended by the Director General of Railways (DJKA) RI M. Risal Wasal whose presence represented the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Budi Karya Sumadi, Deputy for Protection of Women's Rights, Ministry of Empowerment of Women and Children of the Republic of Indonesia Ratna Susianawati whose presence represented the Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, Head of Transportation Agency DKI Jakarta Provincial Syafrin Liputo whose presence represented the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono, Director of Human Resources & General Affairs PT KAI (Persero) Suparno, Director of Operations & Marketing PT KCI Broer Rizal, President Director of PT JakLingko Indonesia Mega Tarigan, President Director of PT MITJ Heru Nugrogo , CPD General Manager of L'Oreal Indonesia Martin Crosnier and Actress and Women's Activist, Cinta Laura. Apart from invited guests and resource persons, representatives of the National Commission on Violence Against Women, DEMAND and elements of the Transportation Community were also present.

Director General of Railways (DJKA) of the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation Risal Wasal said that based on data from a survey conducted by DJKA in 2022 involving more than 2000 respondents, the number of female passengers dominates Jabodetabek KRL trips by 53%. With the high mobility of people in the Jabodetabek area, especially those using KRL, in 2023 the average movement of people using KRL will reach more than 750 thousand per day (Source: KCI Daily Passenger Report 2023), of the 750 thousand passengers per day, the majority are female passengers; "Through this Joint Campaign to Fight Sexual Harassment in Public Transportation, I am again reminding and inviting people who use public transportation to build awareness to mutually maintain the comfort and safety of public transportation users, especially from acts of sexual harassment, collaboratively with operators in making our preventive efforts "Continue to try, but of course this effort requires good cooperation from the community itself as users of public transportation. For that reason, let's protect the rights & dignity of women who use public transportation, don't take away the sense of comfort and security of other users of public transportation."

Public transportation belongs to all of us, comfort and safety, especially prevention from acts of sexual harassment, is the right of all transportation users, therefore I invite people who use public transportation to always protect the rights of other public transportation users to feel safe, comfortable, safe and protected from acts sexual harassment. Let's work together to be good users of public transportation who participate in creating a comfortable, safe and secure public transportation climate and fight together against acts of sexual harassment in public transportation. "With this, I officially declare that the Campaign Against Sexual Harassment in Public Transportation has officially started!" said the final Risal which marked the start of the joint campaign. Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Service, Syafrin Liputo, continues to collaborate with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Empowerment, Child Protection and Population Control Service in order to combat sexual harassment in public transportation by consistently providing guidance to POS SAPA Handling Officers who are currently at 23 Transjakarta stops, 13 stations. MRT and 6 LRT stations. This SAPA POS is the closest complaint post in the context of preventing and handling acts of violence against women and children. The officers have been equipped with simple psychology to calm the victim and quickly take the perpetrator to the police station for immediate processing in accordance with Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning Crimes of Sexual Violence. "DKI Jakarta Province is committed to continuing to make efforts so that there are no more indications of sexual harassment in public transportation services. "Therefore, efforts have been made, including placing a SAPA Post," added Syafrin.

President Director of PT JakLingko Indonesia, Mega Tarigan, said, "This year we have the opportunity to engage all parties, especially transportation personnel and regional officials, to work together in synergy to drive a campaign against sexual harassment in public transportation on the occasion of International Women's Day. We see the huge benefits of building awareness in the surrounding area, especially for public transportation users. The hope is that this educational effort will help increase the feeling of safety and comfort for commuters, so that they do not hesitate to choose public transportation. "Come on, take public transportation, don't be afraid to take public transportation, public transportation is safe and comfortable, be a 'hero' around us to fight sexual harassment on public transportation together."

Meanwhile, President Director of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Didiek Hartantyo said, "to mitigate acts of sexual harassment on trains, KAI Group has taken various steps such as providing special trains for women on commuter lines. As well as routinely conducting anti-sexual violence outreach at stations and during travel. Our officers also continue to increase supervision and security to minimize the space for perpetrators to carry out their intentions. "If customers feel they are being harassed, we ask them not to hesitate to immediately report it to officers, and we are ready to assist them if they want to proceed to legal action," he stressed. In line with the preventive efforts taken by the operator, President Director of PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (KCI) Suryawan Putra Hia added, "KCI currently has a CCTV Analytic system as a system to prevent acts of harassment. Where photos of perpetrators of harassment who are caught will be entered into the system. "So if the perpetrator returns to boarding the commuter line and is caught on the CCTV Analytic system, it will give a warning to officers to take precautions and prohibit them from entering and boarding the commuter line."

“According to IPSOS data, 91% of people have witnessed sexual harassment in public spaces and did not know what to do, while 71% said the situation would improve if someone helped. Today I had the opportunity to chat with commuters and public transport officers, and dig deeper into the phenomenon of the 'bystander effect' to understand why some commuters who witness harassment may be reluctant to intervene at the time of the incident. By hearing directly from them, I gained a broader perspective on the importance of public understanding of the technicalities of the 5D Intervention Method so that witnesses can intervene effectively to combat incidents of sexual harassment in public spaces." Said Cinta Laura, L'Oréal Paris Brand Ambassador and Stand Up Advocate, Jakarta, Thursday (16/3).

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