Gedung Simpang Temu Dukuh Atas Jalan Juana, Menteng, Jakarta 10310, Indonesia

JakLingko ensures that TransJakarta "tap in-tap out" is One-Time Payment

Jakarta (ANTARA) - PT JakLingko Indonesia ensures that when customers tap their electronic money cards when getting on and off TransJakarta bus (tap in-tap out), the system records only one payment.

"We have made changes to the system, especially when passengers 'tap out'. So, if the card has been cut at non-BRT, at the BRT stop it will not be cut again," said President Director of PT JakLingko Indonesia Muhamad Kamaluddin when met in Jakarta, Sunday.

Kamaluddin explained that some time ago there were complaints from residents who felt that their balance was cut twice when getting on from non-BRT and getting off at BRT stops. On Sunday, ANTARA together with JakLingko reviewed the "tap in-tap out" system to ensure that balance deductions occur when getting off the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) stop only. Meanwhile, for non-BRT services, namely customers on public lanes or feeder bus signs (bus stops), the balance will be deducted once when getting on or off TransJakarta. Therefore, JakLingko ensures that it is currently making improvements so that the two-time balance deductions will not be repeated, especially for customers.

In addition to adding a checking system, his team is also gradually conducting tests on the card sticking machine so that it works faster so that it does not cause queues. The blocking system is carried out for customers who have not "tap out" when getting off the JakLingko vehicle, so they are required to reset to pay the unprocessed balance.

"Because now residents have realized the discipline of 'tap out'. So, we changed it to 'tap in' just once to 'reset' the card," he continued.

The President Director of PT JakLingko Indonesia added that his party is committed to returning the customer's balance if it is true that it was cut twice when "tap in-tap out". Customers only need to report the card number used and then contact PT JakLingko Indonesia's customer service. "So the 'refund' process is that customers must contact JakLingko Indonesia's WhatsApp customer care 081260001440," he said. If after checking, the balance is indeed deducted twice, then his party will process the return through the JakLingko application. Customers are served this balance return process for six to a maximum of seven days.

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