Gedung Simpang Temu Dukuh Atas Jalan Juana, Menteng, Jakarta 10310, Indonesia

JakLingko targets the integration of DKI Jakarta's transportation in August 2021

Jakarta (ANTARA) - PT JakLingko targets the integration of the public transportation system in DKI Jakarta to be carried out in August 2021. "The initial step is to integrate payment systems, tariffs and intermodal transportation routes in DKI Jakarta and its surroundings which are targeted in the first phase. mid-August 2021, "said PT JakLingko Indonesia Corporate Secretary Ahmad Rizalmi in a written statement on Sunday.

In this first phase, an integrated "QR Code" based payment will also be launched through the JakLingko Smart Apps and also the JakLingko ticket in the form of a card (smart card). In this Smart Apps there will be a feature to select the point of departure and destination point. From these two points, recommendations for available transportation will be provided.

After a recommendation appears on the mode of transportation to be used, details of costs and estimated arrival and arrival costs will appear at the destination. From the options presented, users will be able to choose the mode of transportation to use. After that a "QR Code" will appear which can be used to pay for all the selected transportation modes.

Transjakarta beroperasi di Jakarta

Then in the second phase of the first quarter of 2022, the implementation of "Mobility as a Services" will begin. For this purpose, the development of mobility as a service application will be carried out with the integration of public transport operators as well as further with external "online" transportation.

Then in the third quarter of 2022, "Account Based Ticketing" will be implemented, namely the transformation from a card-centered architecture to an account-based architecture.

With the implementation of account-based tickets, users will more easily combine all their balances and through this account-based ticket will get a user profile which will later be used as a special rate for several users such as seniors, students or tourists and many more.

RIzalmi assessed that the presence of an integrated mode of transportation is no longer a dream for residents of the capital city of Jakarta and its surroundings (Bodetabek). Efforts to realize integrated transportation are currently being carried out, and have even begun to progress gradually. This can be seen from the presence of transportation modes such as TransJakarta, KRL Commuter Line, MRT, LRT, and MiniTrans / MikroTrans coupled with the support of PT JakLingko Indonesia as the implementer of the intermodal transportation integration concept in Jabodetabek.

To integrate public transportation modes is not an easy matter. This is because it will involve many things, from physical integration such as integration between bus stops and stations, then route integration, schedule integration, to payment and data integration. As an important component, JakLingko's role will focus on the integration of payments, fares, routes and transportation data.

This is very much needed because transportation services in Jakarta have become a different face. Now the era of modern urban transportation has become evident in the city of Jakarta. Especially with the presence of JakLingko as a company with its main lines, namely in the fields of technology, payment systems and mahadata management starting with Jabodetabek transportation and will continue to make developments for the future.

In accordance with the DKI Jakarta Governor Regulation Number 63 of 2020 concerning Assignment to BUMDs through the formation of PT JakLingko Indonesia to organize an Integration System for Intermodal Transportation Payment. For this reason, the entire transportation payment process in Jakarta starts from the ticket system, ticket processing to centralization of data and information. So that the role of JakLingko will collaborate with all modes of transportation in Jakarta. It is hoped that this collaboration will continue to run well so that the benefits can be immediately felt for the people of DKI Jakarta and its surroundings.

The spirit of transformation that will be carried out by PT JakLingko refers to the transformation that has been carried out by public transportation operators in developed countries. One of them, this transformation can be realized in the city of Jakarta and its surroundings through the concept of integration. Because this city has a fairly high economic development aspect. With the shift of people from private vehicles and now using public transportation, the hope is that it will make Jakarta more efficient because it is not affected by congestion.

"We hope that JakLingko Indonesia will become an innovative and transformative company to create interconnected mobility. In addition, the competence of a transportation is also needed to form sustainable transportation. The value of public services will be seen from 'customer satisfaction' and 'customer centric', "said Rizalmi.

According to him, transportation is not only infrastructure but also must provide services to all users. It is hoped that from these services all users will get experience so that all the needs of the community will be met.

What JakLingko is striving for, is none other than to reduce air pollution and other inefficiencies caused by congestion. Also of course it makes it easy for users of public transportation services in Jakarta and its surroundings.

By making it easier for transportation users in Jakarta, JakLingko's target is to increase the "share" or "share" mode of public transportation users compared to private transportation. "So, more and more Jakarta residents are switching from private vehicles to public vehicles. This is our target in the future, "said Rizalmi.

Reporter: Fianda Sjofjan Rassat

Editor: Sri Muryono


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